This is one of the quickest, most efficient suppers on the planet. Creamy goat cheese makes its own sauce, but it needs the fresh brightness of lemon to...
Whether you're cooking for date night or game night, a recipe that is easy to prepare but leaves an impression is the way to go. This dish-which in Italy...
This homemade version of the noodle favorite will make you forget about the boxed orange variety. A sauce made with three kinds of cheeses and a crunchy...
A bit of butter, parmesan cheese, and fresh basil transforms roasted vegetables into a flavorful sauce for pasta. You could easily modify this recipe to...
This dish is full of ingredients that you can store in your pantry, such as noodles, soy sauce, and tahini (sesame paste). After you toss the cool noodles...
These individual mac-and-cheese casseroles call for pungent Parmesan and extra-sharp cheddar, which means the noodles get away with less-than-usual amounts...
Peppery arugula and toasted pine nuts add grown-up flavors to a kid-friendly pasta dish. The bowties (farfalle) are always popular with kids, but you could...
Spoil your four-legged fur babies with homemade treats made of oats, peanuts, and pumpkin puree whirled together in the food processor. Just press the...
Another of my mother's recipes from Feast, A Tribal Cookbook, this dish can be made for lots of people, and with lots of people helping mix the filling...
Brown rice is less processed and more nutritious than its white counterpart. The trick to steaming it is to use less water than called for on the package....
In this easy version of a classic Cuban dish, red kidney beans are seasoned with onion, bell pepper, garlic, cumin, and oregano. If you prefer black beans,...
Grape tomatoes are smaller than cherry tomatoes and less juicy, so they won't water down the ravioli. They're as colorful as candy, too (and almost as...
A chewy grain with a delicious nutty flavor, farro works well in grain salads, soups, risotto, and as a side dish. It's part of the wheat family and long...
This nourishing Middle Eastern salad comes together in a flash. Mix cooked bulgur with chopped tomatoes, parsley, mint, scallions, lemon juice, and olive...